Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fancy Frozen Banana Bites

I promised the "kiddos" a treat for something or other.. yes I am not above a little or a lot of bribery to keep a happy home.  OK who am I kidding to keep a happy Mommy!!!  :) Hey what can I say IT WORKS!!!  But shame on me I totally spaced that after being away from home for two weeks the cupboards would be more than bare.  Not one to go back on my word if I can help it... the bananas I brought home with me were going to have to do.   I've seen some dipped in a peanut butter/dark chocolate mix... so why not dip them in white chocolate and add fun toppings???  This is what I came up with, and  I'm pretty upset because now I CAN'T STOP EATING THEM!!!  And I don't even really like bananas. When the banana freezes it somehow miraculously takes on an almost ice cream like texture and flavor! WOW are you gonna like these!!!
To make these you need bananas, chocolate and toppings.  I used white/vanilla Candy Qwik for dipping and pecans and coconut for topping. 
 To get started just cut up some bananas, I used three.  Don't cut them too thin, mine are between 1/2 and 1 inch wide slices.  This is my "handsome helper" very seriously reminding me not to eat any yet! :) Oh how I love this funny little man!
Now on a parchment or wax paper lined sheet pan put the bananas in the freezer for about an hour.  Trust me I tried to skip this step and the chocolate didn't want to stick to the banana.  Making sure they are super cold made a big difference.
Now just dip and top.
On half of the banana slices I added a few chopped pecans.
On the other half I used some shredded coconut.  As you can see I am a little bit of a sloppy dipper, but thank goodness they taste great so no one was complaining about my imperfect treats :)
Kind of cute, huh???
Eat right away...
..share if you dare! 
If you have more restraint than me, just put them in an airtight container and stick them right back in the freezer for safe keeping until you get a craving for a sweet bite of cool chocolate goodness!  Which if you tasted tested one already will probably be in 5 minutes :)
The inside is a wonderful surprise!  A small treat to satisfy that sweet craving with a little less guilt :)

Enjoy, Lindsey 

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